Thursday 16 October 2014

Buzz Words (All the Buzz about Children's Books)

In 2006 I started a subscriber-based twice-monthly online magazine exclusively for people in the Australian children’s book industry.

Buzz Words doesn’t rely on contributors so it’s not full of self-promotion. The aim of the magazine is to keep readers abreast of what’s currently happening in the children’s book industry and to give them as many opportunities to get informed and published. It is concerned with what is happening currently in the industry: the magazine is comprehensive and structured.

Every issue contains the following: local and international news, a publisher profile, short profiles of people in the industry, an interview, opportunities, markets, competitions and awards, recommended books and websites/blogs, festivals and conferences, workshops, article/s, subscribers’ achievements, letters to the editor (have your say), and of course book reviews. There are lots of links provided to all of the above.

Sometimes writers are commissioned (and paid) for their contributions.

reference for interviews, articles, profiles, etc is given to subscribers. Subscribers are also given the opportunity to advertise for free, if they have a product and/or service. The magazine is as subscriber-friendly as possible. Cost is $48 per year (23 issues).

If you want to subscribe, go to the blog and check out the LHS of the home page for details of how to proceed.

I can also send you a free issue. Just request one through the  Buzz Words blog site.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Dianne Bates' Published Books

Writing for the past 30+ years, mostly for young readers, I have published in excess of 120 books. Recently I have been updating the list. Here is a full list of my books.
*  1983, The Year I Was Born (Moondrake, 1993) ISBN 1 86391 208 8

* 1984, The Year I Was Born (Moondrake, 1993) ISBN 1 86391 209 6

* A Game of Keeps (Celapene Press, 2014) ISBN 978 0 9873677 85

* A Night at Benny’s  (Harcourt Brace, 1989) ISBN  0 729 509 060

* A Tree House (Cambridge Learning, 2008) ISBN 9780521710268

* Aussie Kid Heroes (Interactive Publications, 2009) 9781921479144

* Badu Boys Rule! (Insight Publications, 2006) ISBN 1921088 44 3

* Belly Busters (Random House, 1994) O O9 182945 3

* Between You and Me (Pearson Education, 2003) ISBN 0-1236-0229-7

* Big Bad Bruce illus Phoebe Middleton (A & R, 1994)  ISBN 0 207 18831 9, also 0 207      17696 5

* Big Bad Bruce illus Cheryll Johns (Koala Books, 2007) ISBN 9780864617712

* Basil Bopp the Burper (Hodder Headline, 1996) 9 780733 603693; (Reprinted Five Senses Education, 2010) ISBN

* Billy Fishbone, King of the Kids (Hodder Headline, 1997) ISBN 9780733 605079; (Reprinted Five Senses Education, 2010) ISBN 978174139 4602

* Blowflies and Glow-Worms (Cambridge Learning, 2008 ISBN978 0521710671

* Boys Only (No Girls) Otford Press, 2002) ISBN 1 876928 93 X

* Brad the Wonder Baby (Blake Education, 2000) ISBN 1 86509 331 9

* Bushranger Bob & the Nude Olympics (with Bill Condon) (Hodder Headline, 1999) ISBN 0 7336 1038 2 (reprinted Five Senses Education, 2010) ISBN

* Candy in the Kitchen  (Collins,1989) ISBN  07 3227 320X

* Carl’s CafĂ© (Thomas Nelson, 2002) ISBN 0 7339 33386/07608 5799  7

* Champion Children (Heinemann Library, 1998) ISBN 1 86391 694 6

* Christmas Around the World  (Macmillan)ISBN 0 7 329 0215 0

*  Christmas Carols, Songs and Poems (Macmillan) ISBN  0 732 902 126

*  Christmas in Australia (Macmillan) ISBN  0 732 902 169

* Christmas Make and Do (Macmillan) ISBN 0 7329 0217 7

* Christmas Stories (Macmillan) ISBN 0 7329 02134

* Cinderfella (Penguin, 2001) ISBN 0141312653

* Crash Landing (Thomas Nelson, 2002) ISBN 0 17 0105148

* Crossing the Line (Ford Street Publishing, 2008) ISBN 978 1 876462 70 3

* Dame Nellie Nickabocka, shooting Star ( Hodder Headline, 1996) ISBN 9 7807 33 603723 (Reprinted Five Senses Education 2010) ISBN 9781741304596

* Daring Dora and the All-Girl Gang (Hodder Headline, 1996) ISBN 9 780733 603358; (Reprinted Five Senses Education 2010) ISBN

* Dateless & Desperate (Pearson Education, 2002) ISBN 07339 3472 2

* Desert Dan the Dunnyman (Hodder Headline, 1997); (reprinted Five Senses Education 2010) ISBN 9781741304819

* Erky Perky Silly Stuff (Five Senses Education, 2012) ISBN 978 1 74130 780 1

* Fangs (Thomas Nelson, 2002) ISBN 017 010513 X

* Famous & Fabulous Kids (Jacaranda Wiley, 1995) ISBN 0 73121 652 0

* Freaky Fact or Fiction: World Records (Hinkler Books, 2011) 978174185253

* Getting Even (Rigby Heinemann, 1996) ISBN 0-7312-1979-1

* Giggle and Grin (Five Senses Education, 2012) ISBN 978 1 74130 598 2

* Grandma Cadbury’s Bikie Gang (A&R, 1993) ISBN 0 207 179182

* Grandma Cadbury’s Safari Tours  (A&R, 1989)  ISBN 0 207 167 60X

* Grandma Cadbury’s Trucking Tales (A&R, 1987) ISBN 0 207 158 770 WINNER 1988 WEST AUSTRALIAN YOUNG READERS’ BOOK AWARD

* Grandma Cadbury’s Water World (Hodder Headline, 1997) ISBN 0-7336-0472-2

* Hairy Hannah and the Grandad Gang (Hodder Headline, 1997) 9 780733 605086; (Reprinted Five Senses Education, 2010) ISBN 9781741304589

* How Christmas Began  (Macmillan,1990) ISBN 0 7329 02142

* How to Self-Edit (To Improve Your Writing) ( Emerald Publishers, India, 2005) ISBN 81 7966 159 8; (reprinted by Five Senses Education, 2009) ISBN 9781741 306835

* I’m An Australian: A Class Journal (Jacaranda Wiley, 1992)   ISBN 0 7016 30280   WINNER SPECIAL PRIZE 1993 MULTICULTURAL CHILDREN’S LITERATURE AWARD.

* In Big Trouble (Rigby, 1996) ISBN 0-7312-2164-8

* Inventions (Heinemann Library,1998) ISBN 1 86391 693 8

* Jacob Fang & His Feral Family (Hodder Headline, 1996) ISBN 9 780733 603716; (Reprint Five Senses Education, 2010) ISBN 9781741304626

* Junk (Cambridge Learning, 2008) ISBN 9780521 710251

* Justin’s Wells, illustrated by Tony Flowers (Rigby, 2007) ISBN 978 07312 7486 4

* How to Self-Edit (To Improve Writing Skills) (Emerald Publishing, India) ISBN 8179661598

* Kings of the Creek (Rigby, 2001) ISBN 0 7312 2743 3

* Madcap Cafe & other humorous plays (with Bill Condon; Brooks Waterloo, 1986)  ISBN 0 86 440 6152

* Making Friends on Beacon Street (Mimosa, 1992) ISBN 0 7 32771 048

* Money Smart Kids (Ibis, 2005) ISBN 1 920923 90 X

* My Other Mother (Rigby Heinemann, 1996) ISBN 0-7312-2155-9

* My Wacky Gran (Angus & Robertson, 1994) ISBN  0 207 18537 9/ also 0-207-19167-0 (1997)

* Ned the Nong & the Kelly Kids (with Bill Condon) (Hodder Headline, 1999)ISBN 0 7336 1040 4; (Reprinted Five Senses Education 2010) ISBN

* Nick Knickers & the Great Santa Round-up (with Bill Condon) (Hodder Headline, 1999) ISBN 0 7336 1039 0; (Reprinted Five Senses Education, 2010) ISBN 978174130 4664

* Nobody’s Boy (Celapene Press, 2012) ISBN 978 0 9872556 00

* Operation Lily-Liver (with Bill Condon, 1987) ISBN 0 333 412 192

* Out of the Blue (Pearson Education, 2005)

* Piggy  Moss  (Puffin, 1982) ISBN 0140 3153 65

* Promise Not to Laugh (Angus & Robertson, 1996) ISBN 0-207-19142-5 (with Chris McTrustry)

* Resourceful Kids (Rigby, 1997) ISBN 07312 2215 6

* Revise, Edit & Re-Write (Ashton Scholastic, 1994) ISBN 1 86388 173 5

* Rotten Rellies (Nelson, 1997) ISBN 9 780170 093019

* Schools at War! (Random House, 1997) ISBN 9780091 832926

* Scrum O’Crum & the Bushranger Babes (Hodder Headline, 1997) ISBN 0 7336 0510 9; (Reprinted Five Senses Education, 2010) ISBN 9781741304572

* Skin and Bones (Cambridge Learning, 2008) ISBN 9780521 710701

* Stagestruck!  plays (with Bill Condon; HBJ, 1992) ISBN 0 729 5086 5X

* Supermouth  (Rigby, 1995) ISBN 0 7312 1947 3

* Terri (Puffin, 1981) ISBN 01 4031 3761

* The Belligrumble Bigfoot  (Roo Books, 1984) ISBN 0 9499 24474

* The Bogeyman in the Garden  (Longman, 1995) ISBN 0-582-80484-2

* The Boy Who Loved Chocolate  (Omnibus, 1990) ISBN 0 14 3457 01

* The Case of the Kidnapped Brat  with Bill Condon (Reed Mystery Mammoth, 1995)  ISBN 0582 910684/ ISBN 1-86330-475-4

 * The Curse of King Nevertrustme (Angus & Robertson, 1995) ISBN 0 207 18786 X

* The Funnies: Cartoons and Comics (Jacaranda Press, 1993) ISBN 0 7016 2816 2

* The Girl in the Basement (Morris Publishing Australia, 2013) ISBN 978 0 9875434 17

* The Hold-Up Heroes (National Museum of Australia, 2005)

* The Pobblebonk Frog (Cambridge Learning, 2008) ISBN 9780521 710244

* The Last Refuge (Hodder Headline, 1996) ISBN 0 7336 0318 1

* The Little Red Hen, infants’ play (Macmillan, 1987) ISBN 0 333 410193

* The Magician (Rigby,1988) ISBN  0 731 202 740

* The Musicians of Bremen, infants’ play (Macmillan, 1987) ISBN 0 8136 36442

* The New Writer’s Survival Guide (Penguin,1989) ISBN  01 4011 5080

* The Shape (Allen and Unwin, 2000) ISBN 1 86508 353 4

* The Worst Cook in the World (Nelson, 1987) ISBN 0 454 01254 3

* The Slacky Flat Gang (with Bill Condon; Brooks Waterloo, 1988) ISBN 0864 400888

* Top Tasty Treats (Jacaranda, 1993) ISBN 0 7016 3195 3

* Troublemaker (Addison Wesley Longman 1996) ISBN 0 7791 0828 0 + (Sundance, 1997) ISBN 0 7608 0768 X

* The Trouble With Parents  (Longman, 1996) ISBN 0-582-80486-8 + (Scholastic, Canada, 2001) ISBN 0 7791 0827 2

* The Worst Cook in the World  (Nelson, 1987) ISBN  045 4012543

* Thirteen Going on Forty (Hodder & Stoughton, 1986) ISBN 0 340 376120

* Top Tasty Treats (Jacaranda Press, 1993) 0 7016 3195 3

* Treasure Seekers (Pearson Education, 2001) 0 7339 2470 0 (with Ann C Whitehead & Bill Condon)

* Troublemaker  (Longman, 1995) ISBN 0-582-80485-X

* Urgent Delivery (Thomas Nelson, 2002) ISBN 0 17 010519 9

* Villains ((Heinemann Library, 1996) ISBN 1-86391-457-9

* Whales (Cambridge Learning, 2008) ISBN 978-521 710695

* When Melissa-Ann Came To Dinner (Harcourt Brace, 1989) ISBN 07 2950 8099

* We Care for Our School (Landmark, NZ, 1996)1 86959 174 4

* Who Pushed Humpty  (with Mary Small, illustrated Craig Smith, Mimosa,1992) ISBN 0 7327 09690

* Wordgames (Longman Cheshire, 1993) ISBN 0 582 91068 4

* Wordgames: Activities for Creative Thinking and Writing (Five Senses Education, 2009)   ISBN 781741 306828

* Your Teeth (Cambridge Learning, 2008) ISBN 9 780521 710688

* Zoo Animals (Cambridge Learning, 2008) ISBN 9780521 7107718


 * Stay Loose, Mother Goose! (Omnibus/Puffin, 1990) ISBN 014 0345140

* Fun and Fantasy (Jacaranda Press, 1993) ISBN 0 7016 2786 7

* Out of the Box: Blue Book (Phoenix Education, 1994) ISBN 187569528 1

* That’s Entertainment (Rigby, 1994) ISBN 0 73121 678 2

* The Phone Book (Random House, 1995) ISBN 0 09 183034 6

* Trust Me (Ford Street, 2008) ISBN 978 1 876462 57 4

* Trust Me Too (Ford Street, 2012) ISBN 978 1 921665 58 5

* Stories for Five Year Olds (Random House, 2012) ISBN 978 1 74275 666 0

* Stories for Girls (Random House, 2013) ISBN 978 0 85798 0861

* Charms Volume 1 (Prints Charming Books, 2013) ISBN 5 800099 086146

 For more about my books, please go to my website





Saturday 4 October 2014

Annabel's Chewy-Gooey Birthday Cake

Title: Annabel’s Chewy Gooey Birthday Cake
Author: Ken Williams
Illustrator: Karen Erasmus
Publisher: JoJo Publishing
Publication date: September 2014
Format: Hard cover
ISBN: 9780987607799
For ages: 4-7
Type: Picture Book

Annabel simply must have the biggest and best cake for her party.

‘Too plain,’ she cries as Chef Pierre whips up ever more elaborate cakes, until his final cake – a chewy gooey chocolate caramel mudcake with butterscotch syrup, every colour sprinkles, topped with icky-sticky toffee waffles on a cherry fudge sundae, smothered in chocolate mousse and a tower of strawberry glazed doughnuts, showered with marshmallows and dripping with hot chocolate ganache.

The subject of cake and an upcoming birthday should appeal to young readers. As will the energy, rhythm and visual humour of this book. A recipe is included for the budding chef to try a Chef Pierre masterpiece.


What genre do you write in?
I started out writing for adults but now tend to write what I enjoy reading the most. I rediscovered picture books after my ten-year-old son was born and I haven’t looked back. Full of emotion and colour, picture books evoke wonder, stimulate imagination and offer a view of the world that resonates. Nothing else does that for me quite like picture books.

What do you like about writing?
I’ve always liked sharing stories. Particularly funny ones. I love hearing people laugh. Whenever I hear a funny joke, I just have to tell everyone. And it’s the same with stories, if an idea comes into my head, I just have to write it down and tell everyone. I look at writing a lot like joke telling – A beginning, middle and end all leading to a singular goal. But it’s hard work too.

Where can we learn more about you?
Jump on my website at where you’ll see I am a Sagittarius, 6ft 4 with mesmerising blue eyes, striking complexion and unfortunately a compulsive liar (5ft 5 and as ugly as a bucket of nails). No seriously, I am devilishly handsome, though you’d never know it to look at me. It’s an inner beauty. It’s all in there somewhere!
My stories have been published in magazines, newspapers and online publications. This is my first picture book. I hope you enjoy it.

You can purchase the book from bookstores, online at JoJo Publishing, or you’re welcome to drop Ken a line on his website and he’ll organise a personally signed copy.


Friday 3 October 2014

Mrs T's Kooky Pants

Mrs T’s Kooky Pants by Jennifer Reid (eTV Publishing) PB RRP $16.95

Buy Now
Mrs T’s Kooky Pants is a story for 6 to 10 year olds about a fun-loving teacher named Mrs T who develops cancer suddenly. Sadly, Mrs T dies and her students have to go on and learn how to cope with this grief and terrible loss.

Even though Mrs T’s Kooky Pants deals with the pain and fears that come about when having to face cancer and death, the message of this book is hopeful and encouraging still. It is a resource for parents and teachers to use when needing to bring this type of subject out into the open -- a tool to support children in understanding that it is normal to be sad in such situations, but offer strategies to help them move forward.

I want every child who is facing or has faced this situation to read Mrs T’s Kooky Pants and be able to talk about their own story and feelings, to bring it out into the open so that there’s care, support and understanding readily available for them.

I want kids to know that it’s okay to be sad when you’ve lost someone you love, but that it’s also really important to be happy again someday.

Mrs T’s Kooky Pants is endorsed by the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF), with $1 from every book sold going to breast cancer research.

As a breast cancer survivor, the NBCF’s goal of ‘zero breast cancer deaths by 2030’ gives me hope for the future. If they can find a cure for breast cancer, then surely a cure for all cancers can be found. Just imagine a world without cancer!

Author website –

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Buzz Words (All the Buzz About Children's Books)

In 2006 I started a subscriber-based twice-monthly online magazine exclusively for people in the Australian children’s book industry.
Buzz Words doesn’t rely on contributors so it’s not full of self-promotion. The aim of the magazine is to keep readers abreast of what’s currently happening in the children’s book industry and to give them as many opportunities to get informed and published. It is concerned with what is happening currently in the industry: the magazine is comprehensive and structured.

Every issue contains the following: local and international news, a publisher profile, short profiles of people in the industry, an interview, opportunities, markets, competitions and awards, recommended books and websites/blogs, festivals and conferences, workshops, article/s, subscribers’ achievements, letters to the editor (have your say), and of course book reviews. There are lots of links provided to all of the above.

Sometimes writers are commissioned (and paid) for their contributions.

Preference for interviews, articles, profiles, etc is given to subscribers. Subscribers are also given the opportunity to advertise for free, if they have a product and/or service. The magazine is as subscriber-friendly as possible. Cost is $48 per year (23 issues).

You will be able to check out what it’s all about if you would like me to send you a free issue on 15 October. Meanwhile I am working on building up the subscriber list.

If you want to subscribe, go to the blog and check out the LHS of the home page for details of how to proceed.

Any time after 15 October I can also send you a free issue. Just request one through the blog site above.

Dianne (Di) Bates