Wednesday 8 October 2014

Dianne Bates' Published Books

Writing for the past 30+ years, mostly for young readers, I have published in excess of 120 books. Recently I have been updating the list. Here is a full list of my books.
*  1983, The Year I Was Born (Moondrake, 1993) ISBN 1 86391 208 8

* 1984, The Year I Was Born (Moondrake, 1993) ISBN 1 86391 209 6

* A Game of Keeps (Celapene Press, 2014) ISBN 978 0 9873677 85

* A Night at Benny’s  (Harcourt Brace, 1989) ISBN  0 729 509 060

* A Tree House (Cambridge Learning, 2008) ISBN 9780521710268

* Aussie Kid Heroes (Interactive Publications, 2009) 9781921479144

* Badu Boys Rule! (Insight Publications, 2006) ISBN 1921088 44 3

* Belly Busters (Random House, 1994) O O9 182945 3

* Between You and Me (Pearson Education, 2003) ISBN 0-1236-0229-7

* Big Bad Bruce illus Phoebe Middleton (A & R, 1994)  ISBN 0 207 18831 9, also 0 207      17696 5

* Big Bad Bruce illus Cheryll Johns (Koala Books, 2007) ISBN 9780864617712

* Basil Bopp the Burper (Hodder Headline, 1996) 9 780733 603693; (Reprinted Five Senses Education, 2010) ISBN

* Billy Fishbone, King of the Kids (Hodder Headline, 1997) ISBN 9780733 605079; (Reprinted Five Senses Education, 2010) ISBN 978174139 4602

* Blowflies and Glow-Worms (Cambridge Learning, 2008 ISBN978 0521710671

* Boys Only (No Girls) Otford Press, 2002) ISBN 1 876928 93 X

* Brad the Wonder Baby (Blake Education, 2000) ISBN 1 86509 331 9

* Bushranger Bob & the Nude Olympics (with Bill Condon) (Hodder Headline, 1999) ISBN 0 7336 1038 2 (reprinted Five Senses Education, 2010) ISBN

* Candy in the Kitchen  (Collins,1989) ISBN  07 3227 320X

* Carl’s CafĂ© (Thomas Nelson, 2002) ISBN 0 7339 33386/07608 5799  7

* Champion Children (Heinemann Library, 1998) ISBN 1 86391 694 6

* Christmas Around the World  (Macmillan)ISBN 0 7 329 0215 0

*  Christmas Carols, Songs and Poems (Macmillan) ISBN  0 732 902 126

*  Christmas in Australia (Macmillan) ISBN  0 732 902 169

* Christmas Make and Do (Macmillan) ISBN 0 7329 0217 7

* Christmas Stories (Macmillan) ISBN 0 7329 02134

* Cinderfella (Penguin, 2001) ISBN 0141312653

* Crash Landing (Thomas Nelson, 2002) ISBN 0 17 0105148

* Crossing the Line (Ford Street Publishing, 2008) ISBN 978 1 876462 70 3

* Dame Nellie Nickabocka, shooting Star ( Hodder Headline, 1996) ISBN 9 7807 33 603723 (Reprinted Five Senses Education 2010) ISBN 9781741304596

* Daring Dora and the All-Girl Gang (Hodder Headline, 1996) ISBN 9 780733 603358; (Reprinted Five Senses Education 2010) ISBN

* Dateless & Desperate (Pearson Education, 2002) ISBN 07339 3472 2

* Desert Dan the Dunnyman (Hodder Headline, 1997); (reprinted Five Senses Education 2010) ISBN 9781741304819

* Erky Perky Silly Stuff (Five Senses Education, 2012) ISBN 978 1 74130 780 1

* Fangs (Thomas Nelson, 2002) ISBN 017 010513 X

* Famous & Fabulous Kids (Jacaranda Wiley, 1995) ISBN 0 73121 652 0

* Freaky Fact or Fiction: World Records (Hinkler Books, 2011) 978174185253

* Getting Even (Rigby Heinemann, 1996) ISBN 0-7312-1979-1

* Giggle and Grin (Five Senses Education, 2012) ISBN 978 1 74130 598 2

* Grandma Cadbury’s Bikie Gang (A&R, 1993) ISBN 0 207 179182

* Grandma Cadbury’s Safari Tours  (A&R, 1989)  ISBN 0 207 167 60X

* Grandma Cadbury’s Trucking Tales (A&R, 1987) ISBN 0 207 158 770 WINNER 1988 WEST AUSTRALIAN YOUNG READERS’ BOOK AWARD

* Grandma Cadbury’s Water World (Hodder Headline, 1997) ISBN 0-7336-0472-2

* Hairy Hannah and the Grandad Gang (Hodder Headline, 1997) 9 780733 605086; (Reprinted Five Senses Education, 2010) ISBN 9781741304589

* How Christmas Began  (Macmillan,1990) ISBN 0 7329 02142

* How to Self-Edit (To Improve Your Writing) ( Emerald Publishers, India, 2005) ISBN 81 7966 159 8; (reprinted by Five Senses Education, 2009) ISBN 9781741 306835

* I’m An Australian: A Class Journal (Jacaranda Wiley, 1992)   ISBN 0 7016 30280   WINNER SPECIAL PRIZE 1993 MULTICULTURAL CHILDREN’S LITERATURE AWARD.

* In Big Trouble (Rigby, 1996) ISBN 0-7312-2164-8

* Inventions (Heinemann Library,1998) ISBN 1 86391 693 8

* Jacob Fang & His Feral Family (Hodder Headline, 1996) ISBN 9 780733 603716; (Reprint Five Senses Education, 2010) ISBN 9781741304626

* Junk (Cambridge Learning, 2008) ISBN 9780521 710251

* Justin’s Wells, illustrated by Tony Flowers (Rigby, 2007) ISBN 978 07312 7486 4

* How to Self-Edit (To Improve Writing Skills) (Emerald Publishing, India) ISBN 8179661598

* Kings of the Creek (Rigby, 2001) ISBN 0 7312 2743 3

* Madcap Cafe & other humorous plays (with Bill Condon; Brooks Waterloo, 1986)  ISBN 0 86 440 6152

* Making Friends on Beacon Street (Mimosa, 1992) ISBN 0 7 32771 048

* Money Smart Kids (Ibis, 2005) ISBN 1 920923 90 X

* My Other Mother (Rigby Heinemann, 1996) ISBN 0-7312-2155-9

* My Wacky Gran (Angus & Robertson, 1994) ISBN  0 207 18537 9/ also 0-207-19167-0 (1997)

* Ned the Nong & the Kelly Kids (with Bill Condon) (Hodder Headline, 1999)ISBN 0 7336 1040 4; (Reprinted Five Senses Education 2010) ISBN

* Nick Knickers & the Great Santa Round-up (with Bill Condon) (Hodder Headline, 1999) ISBN 0 7336 1039 0; (Reprinted Five Senses Education, 2010) ISBN 978174130 4664

* Nobody’s Boy (Celapene Press, 2012) ISBN 978 0 9872556 00

* Operation Lily-Liver (with Bill Condon, 1987) ISBN 0 333 412 192

* Out of the Blue (Pearson Education, 2005)

* Piggy  Moss  (Puffin, 1982) ISBN 0140 3153 65

* Promise Not to Laugh (Angus & Robertson, 1996) ISBN 0-207-19142-5 (with Chris McTrustry)

* Resourceful Kids (Rigby, 1997) ISBN 07312 2215 6

* Revise, Edit & Re-Write (Ashton Scholastic, 1994) ISBN 1 86388 173 5

* Rotten Rellies (Nelson, 1997) ISBN 9 780170 093019

* Schools at War! (Random House, 1997) ISBN 9780091 832926

* Scrum O’Crum & the Bushranger Babes (Hodder Headline, 1997) ISBN 0 7336 0510 9; (Reprinted Five Senses Education, 2010) ISBN 9781741304572

* Skin and Bones (Cambridge Learning, 2008) ISBN 9780521 710701

* Stagestruck!  plays (with Bill Condon; HBJ, 1992) ISBN 0 729 5086 5X

* Supermouth  (Rigby, 1995) ISBN 0 7312 1947 3

* Terri (Puffin, 1981) ISBN 01 4031 3761

* The Belligrumble Bigfoot  (Roo Books, 1984) ISBN 0 9499 24474

* The Bogeyman in the Garden  (Longman, 1995) ISBN 0-582-80484-2

* The Boy Who Loved Chocolate  (Omnibus, 1990) ISBN 0 14 3457 01

* The Case of the Kidnapped Brat  with Bill Condon (Reed Mystery Mammoth, 1995)  ISBN 0582 910684/ ISBN 1-86330-475-4

 * The Curse of King Nevertrustme (Angus & Robertson, 1995) ISBN 0 207 18786 X

* The Funnies: Cartoons and Comics (Jacaranda Press, 1993) ISBN 0 7016 2816 2

* The Girl in the Basement (Morris Publishing Australia, 2013) ISBN 978 0 9875434 17

* The Hold-Up Heroes (National Museum of Australia, 2005)

* The Pobblebonk Frog (Cambridge Learning, 2008) ISBN 9780521 710244

* The Last Refuge (Hodder Headline, 1996) ISBN 0 7336 0318 1

* The Little Red Hen, infants’ play (Macmillan, 1987) ISBN 0 333 410193

* The Magician (Rigby,1988) ISBN  0 731 202 740

* The Musicians of Bremen, infants’ play (Macmillan, 1987) ISBN 0 8136 36442

* The New Writer’s Survival Guide (Penguin,1989) ISBN  01 4011 5080

* The Shape (Allen and Unwin, 2000) ISBN 1 86508 353 4

* The Worst Cook in the World (Nelson, 1987) ISBN 0 454 01254 3

* The Slacky Flat Gang (with Bill Condon; Brooks Waterloo, 1988) ISBN 0864 400888

* Top Tasty Treats (Jacaranda, 1993) ISBN 0 7016 3195 3

* Troublemaker (Addison Wesley Longman 1996) ISBN 0 7791 0828 0 + (Sundance, 1997) ISBN 0 7608 0768 X

* The Trouble With Parents  (Longman, 1996) ISBN 0-582-80486-8 + (Scholastic, Canada, 2001) ISBN 0 7791 0827 2

* The Worst Cook in the World  (Nelson, 1987) ISBN  045 4012543

* Thirteen Going on Forty (Hodder & Stoughton, 1986) ISBN 0 340 376120

* Top Tasty Treats (Jacaranda Press, 1993) 0 7016 3195 3

* Treasure Seekers (Pearson Education, 2001) 0 7339 2470 0 (with Ann C Whitehead & Bill Condon)

* Troublemaker  (Longman, 1995) ISBN 0-582-80485-X

* Urgent Delivery (Thomas Nelson, 2002) ISBN 0 17 010519 9

* Villains ((Heinemann Library, 1996) ISBN 1-86391-457-9

* Whales (Cambridge Learning, 2008) ISBN 978-521 710695

* When Melissa-Ann Came To Dinner (Harcourt Brace, 1989) ISBN 07 2950 8099

* We Care for Our School (Landmark, NZ, 1996)1 86959 174 4

* Who Pushed Humpty  (with Mary Small, illustrated Craig Smith, Mimosa,1992) ISBN 0 7327 09690

* Wordgames (Longman Cheshire, 1993) ISBN 0 582 91068 4

* Wordgames: Activities for Creative Thinking and Writing (Five Senses Education, 2009)   ISBN 781741 306828

* Your Teeth (Cambridge Learning, 2008) ISBN 9 780521 710688

* Zoo Animals (Cambridge Learning, 2008) ISBN 9780521 7107718


 * Stay Loose, Mother Goose! (Omnibus/Puffin, 1990) ISBN 014 0345140

* Fun and Fantasy (Jacaranda Press, 1993) ISBN 0 7016 2786 7

* Out of the Box: Blue Book (Phoenix Education, 1994) ISBN 187569528 1

* That’s Entertainment (Rigby, 1994) ISBN 0 73121 678 2

* The Phone Book (Random House, 1995) ISBN 0 09 183034 6

* Trust Me (Ford Street, 2008) ISBN 978 1 876462 57 4

* Trust Me Too (Ford Street, 2012) ISBN 978 1 921665 58 5

* Stories for Five Year Olds (Random House, 2012) ISBN 978 1 74275 666 0

* Stories for Girls (Random House, 2013) ISBN 978 0 85798 0861

* Charms Volume 1 (Prints Charming Books, 2013) ISBN 5 800099 086146

 For more about my books, please go to my website





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